Friday, August 22, 2008

Ok, before I go into anything else that's new since my last post, I must brag on the biggest news!

Jennifer and Ryan became the proud parent of their second child, Chase Patrick (how awesome a name is that!). Here are the beaming parents with beautiful Chase, just hours old.

Of course, Reese is thrilled with her little bother and life is great for the Staniaks. Plus.... not only do I share a name with Chase but we both arrived in this world weighing in at 9lbs. 2oz. I am just anxiously waiting for Chase to advance to real food so I can get him his very own 2 foot long grape candy sugar stick to get him the nutritional values a growing boy really needs.

While everything else pales after news like that but we did have a wonderful visit from Jon, Jen and their two little ones to try out the pond..... Did anyone see Jaws? Does this image by any change scream, "I think we are going to need a bigger boat"!

It was great fun to see Jon, Jen and the dogs frolicking in the pond and the muddy shore on a hot August weekend. I know there are some overly cautious people that think that an overly chlorinated pool is the only safe water to immerse yourself in. What happened to everyone hankering for a chance to dive into that ol' swimming hole.

Jonathan spent the most time in the pond and he will be the first to tell you that those silly people that think that "natural" water is toxic and not meant to be enjoyed and relished on hot summer days. He should know. He's always got an eye out for a good time!

However, nodoby had more fun than Bella who swam like she was born to it and showed Coda what having fun in the water was all about. It was hilarious watching her rolling around in the mud on the shore and converting herself from a gorgeous little golden puppy to a wild looking scamp.